1.Is it recommended for children to drink soup packs daily?儿童汤包可以每天喝吗?
Except Herbal Tea series we don't recommend daily consumption , our Mushroom and Daily series can be enjoyed every day. Our kiddos soup packs are specially formulated your little ones, featuring gentle ingredient combinations. 除了凉茶系列不建议每天服用,菌菇和日常系列每天都可以服用。我们的儿童汤包是专属儿童配方,为小孩量身打造。所有食材搭配温和。
2. What are the benefits of the kiddos soup packs?儿童汤包有什么好处呢?
True to our mission, besides giving a helping hand to busy moms, our soup packs use quality/fresh/non sulfur ingredients to provide your little ones with:
Enhanced immune system
Appetite stimulation and spleen health
Nourishment the little tummies
Cooling and relief heaty body
3.How many servings per soup pack?每个汤包是几人份呢?
Each kiddos soup pack serves 1-2 people. However, We have family soup packs serves 3-4 people. Check out more on our product list. 每个儿童汤包为1-2人份。我们也为大家庭的你准备了家庭包装的汤包,点击product list了解更多详情!
4. What is the shelf life of the soup packs? 汤包的保质期多长?
To ensure the freshness of the ingredients,we pack it vacuum-sealed. We highly recommend refrigeration, can last up to 10 months。为了让汤包食材保鲜,所有的汤包都是真空包装,建议冷藏,可放置10个月。
5.What age group are suitable to consume the soup pack?汤包适合多大的小孩?
We recommend them for kids aged one and above. (Ensure there are no allergies.)建议一岁以上。(确保无过敏体质)
6.Do the soup packs require the addition of meat?汤包需要放肉类熬煮吗?
Except for the Herbal Tea series, it's suggested to add meat to the Mushroom and Daily series for a richer flavor. Meat absorbs the nutrients from the soup, resulting in tender and delicious meat, perfect for pairing with rice for the little ones. 除了凉茶系列,菌菇和日常系列的汤包建议放入肉类烹煮,味道更加香甜。肉类会吸取汤的养分,煮出来的肉非常软嫩,适合给小孩一起配饭吃。